Live snake and monkey’s hand found in Dubai airport luggage.

A strange incident occurred at Dubai International Airport (DXB) when authorities caught a man with an odd assortment of items in his luggage: a live snake, a monkey’s hand, a dead bird, and eggs wrapped in cotton. Dubai Customs intercepted these items, suspected of being intended for sorcery, following a report in Emarat Al Youm. The suspicious luggage prompted officials to conduct a detailed search, revealing the items packed in a plastic box. Besides the snake, bird, and monkey’s hand, officials seized eggs wrapped in cotton, spells, talismans, and various tools with paper clippings, all believed to be intended for sorcery activities. They promptly handed these items over to the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai for further investigation. Khaled Ahmed, senior manager of Terminal 1 at the Passenger Operations Department, affirmed Dubai Customs’ commitment to combating smuggling in all its forms, emphasizing their ongoing vigilance to protect the community

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