On January 11, 2025, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, welcomed over 15,000 content creators at the 3rd edition of the ‘1 Billion Followers Summit’ in Dubai. This landmark event aims to celebrate and empower creators who inspire positive change through meaningful content.
A Gathering of Global Minds
Sheikh Mohammed highlighted the summit’s impressive reach, stating, “The UAE is hosting the 3rd edition of the ‘1 Billion Followers Summit,’ bringing together creators with a collective reach of 2.3 billion followers.” The summit features 420 global experts and influencers, making it the largest event of its kind focused on shaping the content economy.
Commitment to Content Creators
During his address, Sheikh Mohammed emphasized the UAE’s commitment to establishing a sustainable economic sector for content creators. He stated, “Our promise to all content creators is to bring prosperity and opportunities to them and their communities.”
Event Details and Themes
The summit runs from January 11 to 13, 2025, across iconic venues such as Emirates Towers, Dubai International Financial Centre, and the Museum of the Future. Under the theme “Content for Good,” attendees can participate in over 300 live sessions hosted by leading social media platforms and industry leaders.
Notable Attendance and Activities
The summit has attracted a diverse group of influencers and content creators from various backgrounds. The event includes keynote speeches, workshops, and discussions aimed at addressing both the opportunities and challenges in today’s digital landscape.
The 1 Billion Followers Summit not only highlights the UAE’s role as a global hub for content creation but also reinforces its dedication to fostering an environment where creativity can thrive. As this year’s summit unfolds, it promises to set new benchmarks for the content industry, showcasing how digital media can drive meaningful societal change.